The Gash called the Lucky Six was decided by the Harrowers solving the Puzzle Chamber, the cenobites summoned were destined to destroy the Harrowers and their goddess of chaos Morte Mamme, though their efforts proved unsuccessful.
- Merkova- Leader, and lover of Pinhead. Has a skeletal horse-muzzel attached to her face, horse legs and has horse hair looming off her body along her arms.
- Cowboy- A cowboy shaped cenobite who's described to look like he was wrapped in barbed wire
- Haloblades- Much like Halo and Halo II, Haloblades has a halo like design embedded in his skull. Unlike the others, his halo is made up of thick curved razors instead of spikes and wires. Also covered from head to toe in black leather.
- Cattleskull- A very old looking cenobite with black hair. His disfigurations include a giant cattle's skull embedded in his stomach with the horns coming up along his body and piercing his neck. Saw blades also cover his arms
- Fulgar- Fulgar has an array of hooks digging into her skull and she has a mask, similar to that of Hannibal lecter's, that had been screwed into her face. She wears a spiked collar and a revealing leather costume. She has spikes that jut out of her skin in each of her forearms.Her most distinguishing altercation would be her stomach which has a spiked circle embedded inside it which gives her a more boxy and masculine shape.
- Turpis- An older looking cenobite who has had his bones inside his arms extended stretching out the skin. The top of his skull also seems to have been ripped off and sewn back on. He has spikes jutting out of his stomach and human heads attached around his waist.
- Clive Barker's Hellraiser #17, "The Harrowing Part I: Resurrection"
- Clive Barker's Hellraiser #18 "The Harrowing Part II: Insurrection"
- Clive Barker's Hellraiser #19, "Death, Where is Thy Sting?"